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> History #93: IZZY – Queen Of The Cat People
This was our cat Izzy. My sister says she was named after a character on Days Of Our Lives. I say that she was named after Izzy Stradlin from Guns 'N' Roses. Even though this was the "family cat", it was actually more my sister's cat. She loved my sister. Me... well... not so much.
Humor, Horror, and Heavy Metal: IZZY – Queen Of The Cat People

She would actually attack me. And it HURT. She was a ManEater!!! She had claws and Oh Yes... she knew how to use them. Her big thing was to sit in the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room and wait for me... just wait with only the patience that a demon cat could have. When I would go to get some food from the fridge, I would eventually turn and THERE SHE WAS, just sitting there in the doorway; all calm, cool, like she KNEW I had to come through THAT doorway and there was no escape for me.

I would try to sneak past her with my typical Bowl O' Cheerios in hand. Slowly, I crept: trying not to make a sound, hoping she did not notice. But my ninja techniques rarely worked against that cat because she had the POWER OF THE DEVIL driving her.

I would be about halfway through the doorway and she would leap to the ATTACK. With a crazy HISS, claws coming out like Wolverine's Adamantine blades, she would begin slicing me around the Achilles Tendon, blood trickling down my leg into my nifty high-top sneakers.

I would then scream in pain.

Half my Cheerios would end up on the floor. The other half on ME!!!

I believe that in Spanish myth, she was known as El DIABLO!!!