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> History #162: Hey There, Mr. Big Nose!
During my time at the School of Art, I learned about the glory of Adobe Photoshop. Yes, other people were using its power of image manipulation to create beautiful and exciting design and artistic expression of the inner soul. Me!!! Well... I had a tendency of making stupid pictures of people with mutant faces. COME ON!!! This is MUCH more interesting. Don't you think?
Humor, Horror, and Heavy Metal: Here is a self portrait of me. God LOVES Photoshop. But the Devil LOVES it more.

My Illustration teacher pulled me aside one day and said that my work was "special" (after seeing this Self Portrait above). I think he meant that I should continue utilizing my weird sense of humor into my design/art. Either that or he literally thought I was retarded and should probably leave the school immediately and look into a career as a professional vegetable.

Pretty Sexy, Huh?